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时间: 2019年10月08日 13:55 | 作者:朗依制药 | 来源: 医药资讯| 阅读: 55次


  传统的中国农历(lunar calendar)根据太阳的运行周期将一年分成了24个节气(solar terms ),作为指导农事的补充历法。寒露(Cold Dew)是其中的第十七个节气,从每年的10月8日开始,10月23日结束。

  每当寒露到来的时候,中国大多数地区的气温会比上一个节气,白露(White Dew)时的温度低很多。雾气越发浓重和寒冷,降水量减少,农作物也趋于成熟(ripe )。


  一、雾秋 Foggy autumn


  Temperatures drop significantly in October. When the cold air encounters autumn rain, the abundant water vapor in the air soon reaches saturation, and then it turns into misty rain or fog. When the humidity is high, there will be foggy regions formed in many areas of China.

  二、秋钓季 Season for fishing


  People always say that fishing in shallow water in autumn does make sense. That’s because during the Cold Dew period, temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine cannot reach the deep water thoroughly. Fish all swim to shallow water areas where the water temperature is relatively high.

  三、石榴季 Season for eating pomegranates


  Pomegranates are ripe during Cold Dew. Pomegranates have been cherished for their exquisite beauty, flavor, color, and health benefits for centuries.

  四、菊花酒季 Season for drinking chrysanthemum wine


  Chrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew. To prevent autumn dryness, many regions in China have the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine. This is a tradition of the Double Ninth Festival (on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar), which often falls around Cold Dew. According to ancient records, drinking the wine made with chrysanthemums, poria cocos and pine oleoresin grants people long lasting youth.

  五、山楂季 Season for eating hawthorns


  There is a saying that goes "It is time to harvest hawthorn during Cold Dew." Extracts of the berries have long been used in herbal medicine. The antioxidants in hawthorn are thought to boost heart health by strengthening blood vessels and stimulating blood flow.

  六、登山季 A great time for hiking


  During Cold Dew, North China takes on a look of late autumn with white clouds, red leaves and early frost. On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, people often climb hills with cornels, a kind of plant. This custom aims to dispel evils, and originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25-220).

  七、腌鱼季 Season for making kippers


  People of the Dong ethnic group in Hunan province have the custom of making kippers during Cold Dew. It is said that the kipper made on the day of the Cold Dew with accessory foods such as rice wine, salt, glutinous rice, pepper powder, paprika powder and ginger are especially delicious.

  八、山茶花季 Season for picking camellia seeds


  Southern Hunan province is a famous area for producing tea seed oil. People are not allowed to go to the mountains to pick the seeds until Cold Dew comes around.

文章标题: 八个小知识让你了解二十四节气“寒露”(双语)
文章地址: //www.pedca.com/zhishi/30077.html